“...principled struggle offers us another way, a way to struggle in which we are not being conflict avoidant, or conflict aggressive, but rather engaging in generative conflict, conflict that grows each of us and that creates more possibilities for what we can do in the world together.”

N'Tanya Lee & adrienne marie brown

Our Offerings

Generative conflict and principled struggle are deep concepts that involve a lot of preparation, intention, and practice. With so many ways to engage with this work, we have a couple of different offerings to share:

Read on to learn more about both offerings.

Leaning into Generative Conflict and Principled Struggle

Description: #Wekeepussafe. My liberation is bound up with yours. So many parts of our organizing movements rely on a deep sense of interdependence. Interdependence includes developing a shared set of community commitments, learning each other’s strengths and challenges, and...learning how to be in principled struggle with each other. How can we build a practice together around disagreeing—arguing even—without canceling each other? What does it look like to call each other in and up when we are straying from purpose?

This session comes from the Power50/women's fellowship curriculum and offers a way to practice generative conflict / principled struggle with an ongoing learning cohort. If you are looking to train with your group on generative conflict / principled over an ongoing period, check out the below powerful series: Preparing for Generative Conflict and Principled Struggle.

Purpose: To build understanding and develop a practice for leaning into conflict and calling each other in and up.


Process: 75 min

Leaning into Generative Conflict / Principled Struggle - 2023 draft
Power 50 Virtual Session: Leaning into Generative Conflict & Principled Struggle (public)

Preparing for Generative Conflict and Principled Struggle series

Description: Many of us have longed for spaces that feel safe, that shield us from the harshness and isolation of living in a world that doesn’t seem to want us or our stories. That doesn’t know how to meet us when our rage, fear or dissatisfaction show up. For many women identified people of color conflict is present everywhere we turn. In our homes, on the streets, in our jobs, in our heads. We long for somewhere quiet and safe. We yearn for spaces that can hold and nourish us. We see you and we know this. We also know that in order to create those spaces we must transform. And as we all know, transformation ain't always easy. We do not have a magic formula to follow when conflict shows up. What we can and hope to offer here is a deeper awareness of who you are and what you need in order to practice being in discomfort and tension.

This three-part series includes:

This powerful series trains on generative conflict / principled struggle with a group over time. If you are looking to introduce this generative conflict as one topic for an ongoing learning cohort, check out the above session: Leaning into Generative Conflict and Principled Struggle.

Generative Conflict-CI&U Version